Card and Other Tricks

Pair the Missing Card

Ask a person to select any three cards from the pack without looking at them and to place the cards face down on the table.

Eventually you are going to ask the person to select a card,which you will pair in both number and colour.

In privacy and before the trick commences you make a mental note of the fourth card from the bottom of the pack at the same time removing the card of the same number and colour from the pack.

Turn the three cards over, which up to now have been face down and say that you wish to make three piles of cards add up to 15 using the three cards showing. This is done by using the number on the card shown (Jack is eleven, Queen twelve and King thirteen) and adding the appropriate number of cards face down to add up to fifteen (i.e. if a six is shown, add nine cards, if a Jack is shown, add four cards, etc.)

Go through this procedure on each of the cards that are face up. Then total up the three cards showing and whatever they total, count through the remainder of the pack till you reach that number (i.e. if the three cards showing total 24, then ask the person to expose the 24th card, which will then be his selected card. (NB it will always be the fourth card from the bottom). The card you removed originally will naturally pair it.


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